Livingston, Bob 2010-06-30

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Bob Livingston’s career

General Interview Information

Interviewee Name: Bob Livingston

Additional Parties Recorded:

Date: June 30, 2010

Location: Austin, Texas

Interviewer: Andy Wilkinson

Length: 02:59:52


Tape 1, Side 1:

Vietnam, Wanted to see his lyrics ahead of time, To see if the songs are approved or disapproved, Ring of Fire- the man approving the lyrics claimed that it, Was a love story about the burning love for one another, Bobby Lane – UT quarterback, Friends with Penny Pearson’s father, Went to high school with his son, The Lie, Bobby bought them tickets to see Johnny Cash, And June Carter, They went back stage, he claims that he looked right at him, And told him “get out of my way”, Daryl Royal, 1969 Texas vs. Arkansas National Championship game, James Street, Jason Campbell, Daryl Royal- Alzheimer’s, But he can remember every detail of that game, He is a big music buff, When Willie Nelson got in trouble with the IRS, he bought all of his, Stuff so Willie could get it back, He loved to hang out with the musicians, Started singing “Crazy”, Said he never went on a website, Bob showed him all the information about him on the web, Africa Trip, Arts America, 8 countries to play in the Middle East, Went to North Africa 2005 – Angola, weird vibe, Military, The U.S backed the wrong guy, the rebel, Sitting on the largest oil vibe, Armed bandits on the streets, don’t leave the hotel, Tucker, Bob’s son, got a 600 dollar phone bill, The most expensive place they have ever gone, Meets a university dance troop, They had some publicity, The end the show with Blowing in the Wind, The state department calls him when they read his blog, Meanwhile they go to Paris to meet with the African organizer, A few years pass, Donna Winton – new organizer

Tape 1, Side 2:

Africa trip continued, Tucker could not go, Richard Bowden, Bradley, And himself, Trio went, Day before they leave Bradley called and said he had colon cancer, So it was down to a duo, Three gigs in Switzerland, Gig in Paris, Club 61- media hang out, Mort Rosenbloom- reporter, Lives in Paris and Arizona, One of the first reporters to be at the Gulf War, Interviewed Jerry Jeff- late 80’s, Arrived at Rwanda, Supposed to do workshops, Ambassador told them that “boys, yall are ambassadors, To the U.S….everywhere you go they will ask you for help, You have to turn it around and ask them what they can, Do to help themselves.”, Formed a musical association, Embraced all forms of music, They enjoyed themselves, The Prime Minister would be at the shows, His Show, Tells them where he is from, Lubbock, Texas, He got a good draft number, Tells the Arnold Schwarzenegger joke, Etc…, Rwanda, The cleanest country he has ever seen, Plastic bags are outlawed, Road side restrooms, super clean, Going back, Their January is hot, Might go back when it is Africa’s winter, Richard, Takes food from the breakfast buffet, And that is his lunch, He smokes pot, Radical

Tape 2, Side 1:

Side bold Ranch, Jimmy Baldwin, Peace, Love and Chicken Fried Steak, Bought the ranch, Livingston got a gig out there, Ruby- Baldwin’s daughter, Grand Piano, He plays a progression he came up with, Took Ruby and Jane (mom) to a restaurant, “Take my hand, I’ll show you a shortcut to the sun”, Ruby told him that, He is singing some of his lyrics, John Hadley, Lives in Norman, OK, Wrote 5 songs with him, His Grandmother and granddaughter’s names were Ruby, Connection with knowing a “Ruby”, He plays parts of the song, Oklahoma Girl, Originally wrote it with Susan Herden, He helped write that song as well, I’m gonna get a few things right this time, Hadley switched it up a bit, Livingston plays the song, Another song, About a girl afraid to come out of her room, He sings the song, Then sings what it turned into, Ron Sexsmith- good songwriter, Collaborating with songs, Sometimes partners won’t like certain lyrics, Oh well it happens from time to time

Tape 2, Side 2:

Cont. conversation about collaborating, Gets intimidated from specific personalities, Lloyd breaks his confidence, then broke Chris’s, Confidence, Could not get past the intimidation, so he bolted, Co writing, Public Domain, Reed Wood, Middle Ages, Rockabilly, Friends, Easy to edit and co write with, Gypsy Alibi, On the piano, It was going to be about Jerry Jeff, Gonzo Band played it around, Tucker wanted to write a song with him, So they finished this song, Recorded a copy of it, Still were changing a few lines, Fighting, He talks about Jerry Jeff getting beat up by everyone, Carnage Hall, Susan, Gary Nun, Jerry Jeff, and himself, Watching the Cowboys getting beat, Landry was coaching, Jeff threw a lamp; it bounced off the TV and hit him in the head, Started chasing Livingston, Hit him in the face, The hit revitalized him, stormed out, Went to the Bottom Line, Steve Goodman is performing, Jerry gave him the guitar, and walked away, Everyone was dumbfounded, Tramps, Held 1300 people, When they played there, it was their best nights, Thrash club, Friends, Gonzo Band, Record company, Bandito Band-, Ron Cobb, Freddy Kirk, Bobby Rambo, Leo LeBlanc, Tomas, Ron Cobb resembled Jerry Jeff, They would pretend that he was Jeff if he was a no show, Gary Nun, Roommate, Competition, His band, Fabulous Sparkles, Calico Silver, Murphey chewed him out on stage once, It got weird, he didn’t have any tuners, Texas Fever needed a bass player, So he quit, They called Gary to take his place, Gary, Leonard Arnold, and the drummer went to Nashville, Geronimo’s Cadillac was cut, Texas Fever, Livingston, Rick Fowler, Michael McGary, Hubbard, Intimidated by Three Faces West, his hero’s, Bob Johnston, Wanted him back for Geronimo’s Cadillac, So he came back, Him and Gary would switch on and off of bass, Jerry Jeff, Met him in L.A, Looked really cool and authentic, Invited him to a party, He never showed up, There was a guitar with an angel on it, Red River, They became friends, Hill Country Rain, Played with Murphey at the Bitter End, Cosmic Cowboy, Tension, Gary and Bob were better friends, Less tension between the two, Dancing in the Moonlight, Lone Star beer, Gary co wrote a part of the song, Livingston wishes he paid more attention to Gary, He was “just his roommate” at the time, Did not realize the teaching aspect he had to offer, Quitting, Had to quit because he needed to make REAL money, To support his family

Tape 3, Side 1:

CD’s, Livingston and Andy Wilkinson talk about making CD’s, The prices range from place to place, A little more country- on this album, Willie Matthews, Said he would do the cover of the album, But he wanted a picture of Bob with a cowboy hat, And a loincloth, Gypsy Alibi, Wants to bring some of the creativity to that album to this, New one, Jerry Jeff has to wear his hat though

Access Information

Original Recording Format:

Recording Format Notes:

Transcript: Transcript available on Dspace

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