Category:SWC Interviews
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The interviews below are all part of the general Southwest Collection Oral History Holdings.
Pages in category "SWC Interviews"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,444 total.
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- Baum, Dr Elmer C 1973-06-28
- Baumgardner, Haynes 1982-12-07
- Baumgardner, John H 1972-10-04
- Baxter, Phillip C 1970-09-22
- Bayless, Mr Roscoe 1958-06-12
- Bayless, Mrs Roscoe 1958-06-10
- Bayrd, George Royce 1971-06-24
- Beal, Owen 1983-09-01
- Beal, Sidney 1969
- Bean, George R 1957-10-03
- Bean, Judge George R
- Bean, Judge George R 1958-08-08
- Bean, Pauline 1975-09-19
- Bean, Pauline 1989-03-14
- Bean, Robert H
- Bean, Russell 1983-03-08
- Beane, E N 1970-07-17
- Beane, E N 1977-08-03
- Beane, Paul 2019-11-06
- Bearden, Keith 2019-02-07
- Bearden, W H 1998-11-30
- Beaver, E A 1976-07-22
- Beck, Dr George 1997-06-11
- Beckett, Kirby 1970-08-20
- Beeman, Mrs D S
- Behlen, Stinson R
- Behlen, Stinson R 1975-11-02
- Behlen, Stinson R 1982-10-28
- Behnke, Leroy 1988-04-27
- Belcher, Mrs R J
- Belding, Don 1969
- Bell, Charles
- Bell, Charles 1969-11-14
- Bell, Hershel 1985-05-01
- Bell, Margaret 1975-03-11
- Bell, Mrs Carol 1973-11-14
- Bell, Perry H 1988-03-17
- Bell, R J and Rita 1980-01-00
- Bell, Wendell 1975-11-16
- Bellard, Emory 1971-08-17
- Bellinghausen, Henry 1980-07-29
- Benavides, Alfredo H. 2015-09-28
- Benavides, Alfredo H. 2015-10-06
- Benham, Gene 1972-05-17
- Bennett, Forrest 1971-06-24
- Bennett, Harold Bob 2010-06-14
- Bennett, Irving 1975-05-22
- Bennett, Kenneth 2000-02-21
- Bennett, Mrs Gertrude 1968-05-25
- Bennett, Mrs Lee 1975-03-07
- Bennett, Patrick 2002-06-21
- Bennett, Wayland 1985-03-21
- Bentley, Jake 1971-08-12
- Berlanga, Albino and Dominga 1970-09-03
- Berry, Glenn 1967-07-13
- Berry, Glenn 1968-08-03
- Bertram, Jim 2019-05-22
- Bertrand, Anson R 1975-06-02
- Bertrand, Margaret 1981-08-13
- Bertrand, Mrs Hallie 1971-11-04
- Bevers, Judge John Denzil 1998-06-12
- Bezner, Jody 1985-12-20
- Bible, Dana X 1971-08-17
- Bickler, Max 1968-05-16
- Bickley, Bob 1977-07-12
- Bickley, Carl and Jack Akin 1978-11-08
- Bickley, Cecil 1981-01-00
- Bickley, Cecil 1982-08-24
- Bickley, William R 1984-11-13
- Bigby, M C 1976-06-08
- Biggers, C E 1960-08-16
- Biggs, Electra Waggoner 1978-11-27
- Biggs, Glenn 1984-06-21
- Biggs, Glenn 2 1984-06-21
- Bigness, Deborah 2002-06-10
- Bigness, Deborah 2021-08-20
- Bingham, Clyde 1981-01-14
- Bingham, Rachel 1969-09-00
- Binney, R F 1982-01-15
- Birchfield, Mrs Bob 1975-10-23
- Birchfield, Mrs Bob, Mrs Gettie Baten, and Mrs Frankie Ridgeway 1975-10-23
- Birnie, David 1971-10-22
- Birnie, David 1972-12-06
- Bisbee, Helen
- Bishop, Ed 1971-06-23
- Black, C W 1971-08-22
- Black, Earl E 1963
- Black, J R 1966-09-01
- Black, James E 1972-03-23
- Black, Roy T 1978-05-24
- Black, Virginia 1998-12-15
- Black, William 1980-08-20
- Blackburn, B L 1972-08-03
- Blackburn, Gene 1991-03-18
- Blackburn, William Keaton 2011-12-13
- Blacklock, Florence 1975-05-14
- Blackwell, Bill 1970
- Blake, Robert 1985-01-30
- Blakney, Leonard D 1970-06-11
- Blanchard, Senator and Mrs H J 1972-11-07
- Blankenship, W B 1989-01-09
- Blanton, Guy C 1985-04-30
- Blasingame, Eleanor 1998-08-15
- Blasingame, Tom 1972-08-19
- Blasingame, Tom 1975-09-20
- Bledsoe, Col Willis 1983-05-12
- Bledsoe, Mrs William H 1964
- Blessing, Mrs Elizabeth 1973-07-09
- Blodgett, Glenn 2022-09-07
- Bloodworth, Bert C 1978-01-17
- Bloom, Mrs C G 1980-12-10
- Bloys Camp Meeting 1976-08-04
- Blue, Grady 1984-10-11
- Boardman and Huber 1973-08-30
- Boatright, Mody 1969-11-23
- Bobo, George W
- Bodeen, Roy 1981-09-06
- Bogard, Michael 2016-04-19
- Boggess, R Woodfin 1969
- Boggus, Robert Taylor Thomas 1967-08-00
- Bogusch, Henry 2016-04-19
- Bohanik, Mr and Mrs O L
- Bolding, Mrs Lillian Law 1967-06-26
- Boles, Mrs Buel 1979-02-09
- Boles, Mrs Buel 1980-01-10
- Bolin, George 1979-02-06
- Bolt, Richard 1972-08-04
- Bomar, Mance E 1973-07-17
- Bond, George S 1970-05-06
- Booker, E E 1981-03-21
- Boone, Mildred 1979-11-07
- Boothe, Robert L 1985-11-25
- Boren, Hugh 1972-09-09
- Boren, Walter 1978-02-02
- Boren, Walter 1980-01-23
- Bostick, Jerry 2017-12-20
- Boston, Mrs Tommie 1971-06-24
- Bosworth, Mr and Mrs Guy 1968-06-12
- Botsford, E M 1956-09-28
- Botsford, E M 1957-03-07
- Bott, Ted 1978-11-02
- Bott, Ted 1980-06-19
- Bouchier, Tom 1978-11-14
- Bouchier, Tom 1982-05-10
- Bowen, John 1975-06-24
- Bowers, Fred 1998-06-29
- Bowman, David Dell 1958-06-27
- Bowman, Dee and Dean Robertson 1970-05-12
- Boyd, Hiley Jr 1969-05-19
- Boyd, Hiley Jr 1970-06-02
- Boyd, Hiley Jr 1972-05-13
- Boyd, Hiley Jr 1992-05-22
- Boyd, J R 1968-04-30
- Boyd, John T 1998-09-21
- Boyd, Vivian and Floyd 1987-06-04
- Boyd, Wright 1973-07-13
- Boydston, Claude 1976-03-09
- Boydston, Jack 1982-09-30
- Bracht, Amalia 1981-08-21
- Bracht, Ella 1976-06-10
- Braddock, Vincent 1974-07-06
- Bradshaw, Fred 1998-06-18
- Bradshaw, W L 1980-12-17
- Brady, B A 1980-09-30
- Braley, Gene 1971-08-26
- Braley, Joye Mills 1983-03-16
- Brandt, Mr and Mrs Keith 1975-07-20
- Brannin, Carl 1983-01-26
- Branscum, Lexie 1983-03-30
- Bratcher, Sue 2021-11-09
- Bratenhorst, Elsie 1981-08-21
- Braun, Helen S 1983-03-15
- Braxton, James T 2013-06-27
- Bray, Marg 1989-08-10
- Brazill, Clarence P Jr 1971-06-22
- Breckenridge, Texas Football 1975
- Breeding, Gerald 1976-08-02
- Breeding, Seth Darnaby Sr 1974-07-23
- Breedlove, Aulyne 1981-05-04
- Breedlove, Mrs Clent 1957
- Breiger, Ben 1978-10-25
- Brewer, Dr J Mason 1969-06-26
- Brewer, Dr Mary Louise 1976-04-16
- Brewer, Dr Mary Louise 1988-03-15
- Brewer, George 1970-08-11
- Brewer, Lay, and McKinney 1976-06-15
- Brewer, Mary Breedlove 1981-06-13
- Briggs, Humpy 1975
- Briggs, Humpy 1975-02-01
- Brightman, T C Tex 1968-05-16
- Brillhart, H C and A S 1978-04-11
- Brister, Jackson and Bill 1968-07-06
- Brito, Jerome 2012-08-28
- Broadhurst, W L 1958-03-06
- Brooks, Eugene H 1969-06-30
- Brooks, Frank 1974-06-26
- Brooks, Gordon, and Connaly 1975-04-22
- Brooks, John 1970
- Brooks, Lewis W 1969
- Brooks, Shelby 1972-07-27