Glowicki, Karla 2023-05-17

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Karla Glowicki’s family is originally from Plainview. After graduating Plainview High School in 1979, she entered the army in the early 1980s. She served in Germany during the Cold War before returning to the states where she raised her children. Since 2014 she has worked as the Veteran Service Officer of Hale County. In this interview, in addition to speaking on her military service, she discusses working to ensure area veterans are receiving the benefits they need, showing them how to navigate the bureaucratic paperwork.

General Interview Information

Interviewee Name: Karla Glowicki

Additional Parties Recorded:

Date: May 17, 2023

Location: Plainview, Texas

Interviewer: Elissa Stroman

Length: 01:31:26 (1 hour 31 minutes)


Introduction and background information; Decision to join the service; enlisting and training; Relocating to Germany; returning to the States; Moving back to Plainview and working in Veteran Affairs; Helping veterans; mental health; Addressing changes in veteran benefits; working during COVID; Korean veterans and Vietnam veterans; filing for disability; Getting accredited; goals for after she retires; Veteran benefits for high school students; family members of veterans

Access Information

Original Recording Format: born digital

Recording Format Notes: patrons may listen to audio in our reading room

Transcript: transcript available on dspace < >

Thank you for your interest in this oral history interview. Our oral history collection is available to patrons in the Southwest Collection's Reading Room, located on the campus of Texas Tech University. For reading room hours, visit our website. Please contact Reference Staff at least one week prior to your visit to ensure the oral history you are interested in will be available. Due to copyright issues, duplications of our oral histories can only be made for family members. If an oral history transcript has been made available online, the link will be provided on this page. More information on accessing our oral histories is located here. Preferred citation style can be found here.