Graham, Callan 2001-11-14

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General Interview Information

Interviewee Name: Callan Graham

Additional Parties Recorded:

Date: November 14, 2001


Interviewer: David Marshall

Length: 01:37:56


Background, Grandfather Graham, Callan could have been a judge, Interesting career, Had his own law practice, Turned down multiple job offers, Running and estate, Job did not appeal to Callan, Board of Directors on Mobile Oil Company, Heard of the job indirectly, Job was in New York, Because of his children in school, he did not want to move to New York, Would have been in charge of lobbying, Practiced law in San Antonio, Oil, Coke Stevenson, Abe Lincoln character, Studied law, Born in log cabin, No formal education, Passed the bar, Practiced law in junction, Frontier spirit, Mother, Very dignified, First met Stevenson during senior year through the debate team, Was conducting research on whether or not lobbying was bad, Interviewed Stevenson, He was a member of the House of Representatives during this time, Assistant in his office, Received a night job from Stevenson when he was speaker of the house, Stevenson convinced Callan to study Law and even assisted him, Let Callan sit in during trials and eventually make opening statements in court, In the house for a few years 1929-39, Became lieutenant governor, While Stevenson was governor he appointed Callan district attorney, Tight fisted, Cheap, Benefactor, Conservative, Drove cheap car, Has a brother named Bascam, The War, Before his term in office was done he signed up to be in the army’s air division, Received a letter from the war department to become a civilian instructor because he had his pilot license, Governor during the war, Couldn’t protect the soldiers in Laredo, Night of the election 1948 Stevenson had a party, Everyone thought he would win, Did not get any support from South Texas, Were not allowed to view the returns of the election, Salas was in charge of amending the returns so that Coke would not win the election, Terrance Martin signed the corrected returns, Never had seen the returns, he was told that the committee had already voted and that he must sign it, Tried to re correct the returns, and members from the opposing parties committee stopped them, Were locked in the clerk’s office, Callan found proof that the election was rigged, Coke was bitter after the loss, Coke retired to his ranch, That is the last time that Callan had seen coke, Coke Stevenson, Very tall man, Wife Fae Stevenson died in 1941, From the Wright family, Good first lady, Very dignified, Oddball, Politically, Socially, Good to Callan, Interesting Stories about Coke Stevenson, Never paid their bar dues in the late 1930’s, Judge forced them to pay, Dues started at 5 dollars, Had a warehouse business, Discrimination, Ku Klux Klan, Against the Catholic church, Callan forbade his wife to go along with him, When the war came, it kind of unified everyone, Has preached at a Methodist church, Has preached at a Presbyterian church, Fluent in Spanish, Lost votes because he was catholic, People wouldn’t serve you in certain places if you spoke Spanish, Ethnic mix in Junction, Texas, Little Mexico (Martinez Division), Evaporated after awhile and now they live in the best parts of time, Migrant worker came to work on local farms, Coke’s attitude towards the Hispanics, Coke never talked about Hispanics, Never had problems in the early days with them, Coke’s Ranch, Cedar bake country, Cheap, Wasn’t the best ranching country, River ran through it, Investment

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