Category:Texas Tech
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Interviews discussing Texas Tech University, founded in 1923 in Lubbock Texas.
This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
Pages in category "Texas Tech"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 488 total.
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- Abarca, Ramon 2023-01-17
- Abbott, Robert 2000-01-27
- Abernathy Dr Byron 1974-05-22
- Adams Charles 1978-07-20
- Adams, Ashley 2023-05-05
- Africare Team 1974 04
- Aiken Dudley
- Aker, Suzanne 1984-02-17
- Akers, Mrs Helen 1982-12-05
- Alexander, Ted
- Allen B L 1975-04-30
- Allen, James
- Allen, James 1975-04-09
- Allen, James 1982-05-25
- Allen, James 1983-01-13
- Allison, Alvin R 1975-07-23
- Amonette, Thayne
- Anderson, Bob 2018-02-01
- Anderson, Bob 2018-08-14
- Anderson, H A 1979-06-22
- Anderson, Hugh A 1973-08-21
- Andrews, Ruth Horn 1968-11-01
- Armstrong, Nelda 2013-07-31
- Ashdown, Don 1981-03-23
- Ashdown, Dr Donald 1976-01-09
- Aycock, Wendell 2016-04-04
- Ayers, Cecil L 1975-02-10
- Bahm, Mr and Mrs Archie J 1976-09-16
- Barr, Alwyn 2021-02-10
- Barrick, Mr and Mrs Nolan 1973-11-30
- Bates, Mrs Shirley S 1975-01-31
- Baumgardner, Haynes 1982-12-07
- Bean, Pauline 1975-09-19
- Bearden, Keith 2019-02-07
- Bell, Hershel 1985-05-01
- Bennett, Patrick 2002-06-21
- Bennett, Wayland 1985-03-21
- Bertrand, Anson R 1975-06-02
- Bigness, Deborah 2002-06-10
- Bigness, Deborah 2021-08-20
- Bledsoe, Col Willis 1983-05-12
- Bledsoe, Mrs William H 1964
- Brady, B A 1980-09-30
- Brandt, Mr and Mrs Keith 1975-07-20
- Braxton, James T 2013-06-27
- Brewer, Dr Mary Louise 1976-04-16
- Brewer, Dr Mary Louise 1988-03-15
- Brothers, J O 1972-10-16
- Brothers, J O 1975
- Brown, Cliff and Mike 1999-01-14
- Brown, Olga Lucinda Villegas 2000-03-24
- Brown, William W 1978-06-26
- Bucy, J. Fred 2012-11-15
- Buesseler, Dr John A 1997-07-29
- Burgess, Hubert 1973-07-20
- Burgess, Hubert 1995-09-25
- Burgess, Hubert 1995-10-02
- Burrell, Dr James III 1998
- Callaway, P C 1968-09-27
- Camp, Dr Truman 1973-05-16
- Capps, Dr Harold R 1997-06-19
- Carr, Dr Robert 1997-06-27
- Carr, Waggoner 1998-07-02
- Carr, Warlick 1998-06-22
- Carson, Irvin 1981-03-24
- Cavazos, Bobby 1998-08-18
- Cavazos, Lauro 1991-01-25
- Cavazos, Lauro 2016-10-05
- Cavazos, Lauro F 1994-04-23
- Cavazos, Lauro F. 2005-01-20
- Cavazos, Peggy 1991-01-25
- Cawthon, Kelly 1975
- Cawthon, Pete Jr
- Cawthon, Pete Reunion 1975-11-01
- Chappelle, Mrs Ray L Jr 1975-05-14
- Chavez, Alice 1999-02-01
- Chavez, Genaro 1998-08-19
- Chavez, Gilbert Robert 1999-04-28
- Cheek, Harris
- Clement, W P 1973-08-23
- Clement, W P 1981-06-03
- Clements, R Canon 1999-12-07
- Clements, William P 1980-01-21
- Clewell, Evelyn 1973-06-06
- Cole, Conner 1968
- Collier, W.R. 2023-05-26
- Collier, W.R. 2024-03-29
- Collier, W.R. 2024-04-03
- Collier, W.R. 2024-04-18
- Couch, Mr and Mrs Joseph E and Mrs J C Wilson 1975-09-24
- Courtney, Estella 2014-02-27
- Craig, William M 1973-03-05
- Crawford, John C 1979-12-07
- Croddy, Maurine and Burke Mathes Jr 1983
- Crump, Bill 2021-06-09
- Cummins, David 2021-06-24
- Cummins, David 2021-07-16
- Cunningham, Mrs A B 1979-02-06
- Davis, Barbara 2014-11-05
- Davis, Barbara 2014-11-13
- Davis, J William
- Davis, J William 1968-07-17
- Davis, J William 1974-05-07
- Davis, J William 1975-10-31
- Davis, J William 1982-05-17
- De Lira, Fidela Perez 2009-11-14
- Deahl, Robert 2000-06-16
- Deahl, Robert 2000-06-27
- DeBrisk, Marilyn 1984-06-08
- DeLeon, Linda 1998-04-28
- Dingus, Mrs William 1972-12-06
- Dominy, James F 1975-06-10
- Dowdy, Kay 2023-05-30
- Dregne, Harold 1975-05-02
- Ducker, William Lyon 1973-11-02
- Duncan, Bob 1975
- Dunham, Charlotte 2019-05-19
- Dupree, George W 1975-07-30
- Durgan, Bob 1975
- Durham, Kathryn S 1975-02-26
- Durham, Ralph 1975-07-12
- Faver, Dudley 2008-12-16
- Ferguson, Ralph 2019-11-04
- Ferguson, Ralph 2019-11-12
- Fish, Ernest 2017-07-06
- Fisher, Ann 1989-03-26
- Football Club 1938
- Formby, Marshall 1973-10-09
- Formby, Marshall 1975-05-31
- Formby, Marshall 1976-05-12
- Foster, Arthur J 1984-06-01
- Franks, James B 1985-06-20
- Freeland, Gus
- Fulton, Joe Kirk 1980-09-04
- Galindo, Leonel and Arrora 1976-11-04
- Gamble, Steven 2022-02-16
- Gamble, Steven 2022-03-02
- Gammill, James R 1972-04-25
- Garcia, Armando 1998-09-29
- Garcia, Jaime 1974-06-06
- Garner, Dorothy T 1973-05-15
- Garrison, S L 1984-11-01
- Gaston, W Tom 1963-05-22
- Gates, Dr and Mrs W B 1968-09-23
- Gaulding, Jack 1982-12-12
- Gentry, Randall 2018-05-18
- George, Mrs J Raymond 1981-06-29
- Gilkerson, George 1998-07-20
- Givens, Ron 1999-03-18
- Goforth, Flora 1999-11-30
- Gomez, Inez Russell 2016-03-15
- Goodwin, R C
- Graves, Lawrence L 1975-04-18
- Graves, Lucille 1974-05-23
- Green, Bill 1980-03-23
- Green, Bobby Lynn 2010-02-12
- Green, Lola B 1973-05-08
- Greer, W A 1998-04-13
- Griffin, Alton 1998-07-02
- Grigg, Linnie 1979-02-16
- Groves, Ester 1980-10-10
- Guerrero, Robert 1976-11-08
- Gustafson, Bill 2019-08-01
- Gustafson, Bill 2019-08-06
- Gutierrez, David Garcia 1998-06-26
- Guy, Charles A
- Hagler, Marion Otho 2010-12-10
- Haley, Elizabeth 2019-02-27
- Haley, Elizabeth 2019-05-10
- Haley, Elizabeth 2019-07-17
- Hamby, Betty Arlee Johnson 1998-11-16
- Hamilton, Owen 2021-04-30
- Haragan, Donald 2011-08-23
- Harbaugh, F G 1973-05-29
- Hardaway, Danny 2011-02-18
- Harris, Bernard 1998-12-15
- Harris, Floyd 1995-07-07
- Harris, Leon 1979-06-23
- Harris, Leon 2001-07-26
- Hart, Nolan 1976-05-01
- Hazlewood, Emmett 1973-06-04
- Heineman, Richard 1973
- Hemmle, Gene 1973-11-13
- Henry, Anna Whitlock 1999-08-20
- Henson, Walter D 1978-08-23
- Hernandez, Victor 1998-04-02
- Hickerson, Mrs Bill P 2000-11-06
- Hill, J Culver 1975-06-24
- Hill, Kate Adele 1977-04-22
- Holden Hall Dedication 1972-07-09
- Holden, Frances M 1982-03-18
- Holden, William C and Frances, and Tom
- Holden, William Curry
- Holland, Adelle 2011-07-28
- Holub, E J 1971-08-09
- Hopper, Kippra 2022-08-03
- Houghton, Edna 1973-09-14
- House, Gail Barbara 2015-08-11
- Houser, James Peel