Category:SWC Interviews
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The interviews below are all part of the general Southwest Collection Oral History Holdings.
Pages in category "SWC Interviews"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,478 total.
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- Abarca, Ramon 1999-01-05
- Abarca, Ramon 2023-01-17
- Abbe, Mildred 1981-03-22
- Abbott, Dorothy Wolffarth 1979-12-10
- Abbott, James D. 2016-07-27
- Abbott, Leland undated
- Abbott, Robert 2000-01-27
- Abernathy Dr Byron 1974-05-22
- Abernathy Monroe and Molly 1959-06-04
- Abernathy, Charles 1972-07-09
- Abernathy, HC 1992-03-24
- Acker Cliff 1972-03-22
- Ackley Douglas 1982-12-11
- Adair, Eugene 1981-04-23
- Adams Charles 1970-05-11
- Adams Charles 1974-05-01
- Adams Charles 1978-07-20
- Adams CL 1974-08-06
- Adams J Collier 1973-05-18
- Adams John 1974-05-16
- Adams Mrs C L and Larry 1970-12-07
- Adams Mrs Clay 1978-10-11
- Adams Mrs Mae Howard 1973-07-17
- Adams Raymond D E 1977-07-21
- Adams, Charles 2000-12-13
- Adams, David 1976-02-26
- Adams, Doug 1975-12-03
- Adams, Gary and Theodorou, Nick 2008-07-02
- Addison Mr and Mrs Fred 1971-07-10
- Agan John 1973-08-21
- Aguerro, Bidal 1976-09-07
- Aguerro, Bidal 1985-07-26
- Aguerro, Bidal 1998-11-24
- Aiken Dudley
- Aker, Suzanne 1984-02-17
- Aker, Suzanne 2015-03-11
- Akers, Mrs Helen 1982-12-05
- Akey, Charles D. 2007-02-11
- Akin, Harry 1975-03-25
- Akins, Future 2002-05-13
- Alberts, Graydon 2000-09-05
- Albidrez, Alfredo 1987-01-11
- Albus, Mr and Mrs Fred 1980-07-20
- Albus, Mr and Mrs Leonard 1980-06-29
- Aldape, Reverend Eliseo 1976-11-23
- Alexander, John D 1982-10-20
- Alexander, John D 1985-02-11
- Alexander, Mrs Vic 1970-09-02
- Alford, Beverly 2022-11-17
- Alford, Beverly 2022-11-28
- Alford, Beverly 2022-12-09
- Alford, Beverly 2022-12-12
- Alford, Bruce 1971-07-10
- Allen, Dale D. 2016-07-28
- Allen, Mrs Hawley 1972-03-13
- Allen, Woodrow Wilson 1984-10-03
- Alley, J T 1970-06-12
- Allison, Alvin R 1975-07-23
- Allman, Mr and Mrs William 1968-05-02
- Allred, Duane Buck 1974-05-31
- Altgelt, Mrs Marian 1982-03-22
- Alvarado, Josie 1999-05-11
- Alvarado, Mrs Epifania 1972-07-22
- Alvarez, Alonza Sr 1977-06-09
- Alvarez, Elvia 1989-08-28
- Alvarez, Martin 1971-11-20
- Amis, Mr and Mrs C R 1968-07-28
- Amonett, Mrs Ed 1978-03-24
- Amonette, Thayne
- Anderson, Anna Lee 1979-11-27
- Anderson, Bob 2018-02-01
- Anderson, Bob 2018-08-14
- Anderson, Don 1973-11-19
- Anderson, Guy 1971-09-29
- Anderson, H A 1979-06-22
- Anderson, Hugh A 1973-08-21
- Anderson, John R. 2016-09-21
- Anderson, Justin 1968-08-00
- Anderson, Mary O 2001-08-25
- Anderson, Mrs C J 1977-07-06
- Anderson, Pearl 1996-11-06
- Anderson, Robert
- Anderson, Stephen 2015-05-06
- Andrews, Curcy 1986-12-16
- Andrews, Randy 1988-12-15
- Ansley, Thad 1972-08-30
- Anthony, C W Wes 1974-05-09
- Anthony, J F and Mary Cagle 1972-06-07
- Anthony, Mrs W W 1978-12-16
- Anthony, Mrs W W 1981-07-01
- Antilley, Joe 1975-05-20
- Applewhite, G C 1980-10-15
- Archambeau, Ernest 1971-01-14
- Arguello, Epifania 1987-10-13
- Armstrong, Harry Bush 1968-07-01
- Armstrong, Mrs R Wright 1968-07-13
- Armstrong, Reverend Pat M Armstrong 1970-09-02
- Arnett, Dr Sam C Jr 1968-06-20
- Arnett, Toni 2000-07-18
- Arnold, Janet 1975
- Arnold, Nick 1981-10-17
- Arnold, Robert 1995-09-02
- Arsers, Earl O 1971-07-20
- Ashburn, Bruce 1968-04-29
- Ashdown, Don 1981-03-23
- Ashley, Peggy 1982-06-16
- Aston, Rogers 1985-04-04
- Atkins, Bill 1976-05-06
- Atkins, Irvin M 1984-11-02
- Atkinson, Lawrence 1980-09-25
- Austin, Frank 1976-10-28
- Austin, Mrs Oliver 1971-06-24
- Autrey, Eddie 1980-01-27
- Avary, J C 1981-04-01
- Avender, W B and Gomer Thomas 1968
- Aycock, Joe 1971-08-31
- Aycock, Mr and Mrs William R
- Aycock, Wendell 2016-04-04
- Ayers, Ross 1970-10-28
- Ayres, Bruce 1972-12-26
- Ayres, Bruce 1975-05-18
- Ayres, C B 1969-08-15
- Babb, Georgia Burkett 1975-06-09
- Babbitt, Governor Bruce 1981-02-27
- Babcock, George 1975-04-02
- Babcock, George 1984-09-25
- Baber, Mrs T A 1984-05-24
- Back, Vera 1978-12-06
- Bacon, Mrs Lawrence 1979-11-23
- Badger, Jean Schofield 2001-02-15
- Baggerly, H M 1976-01-17
- Baggerly, H M 1984-10-04
- Bagwell, George 1974-05-09
- Bagwell, George 1985-12-04
- Bahm, Archie J 1976-09-17
- Bahm, Mr and Mrs Archie J 1976-09-16
- Bailey, Annie J 1978-11-20
- Bailey, Mr and Mrs Ellis 1971-08-26
- Bailey, Mrs Chessie Estes 1975-05-19
- Bailey, Orville 1973-05-29
- Baines, Gordon 1980-08-21
- Baird, F Charles 1975-05-13
- Baird, Josie 1975-11-06
- Baird, W Urn 1983-08-10
- Baize, Bentley 1975-04-18
- Baker, Artie 1968-06-03
- Baker, Artie 1969-06-10
- Baker, Bill 1987-10-08
- Baker, George 1971-07-22
- Baker, Jack E 1970
- Baker, Jerry 1975-04-10
- Baker, Krystyna 1979-08-20
- Baker, Mr and Mrs Dorsey 1969-07-11
- Baker, Mrs B W 1980-01-19
- Baker, Mrs Hayden 1981-06-23
- Baker, Mrs James A 1960-09-20
- Baker, Representative George 1969-07-16
- Baker, Roy 1973-04-27
- Baker, William Norton 1998-09-28
- Balderrama, Robert Lee 2020-07-27
- Balderrama, Robert Lee 2020-08-15
- Baldwin, Charles 2018-11-06
- Ball, Mr and Mrs Frank 1975-10-23
- Ball, Mrs John H 1976-06-16
- Ballew, Mr Smith 1970-02-17
- Balthrope, Mrs Cassie Ledrick 1971-11-04
- Banks, Cary 2001-06-08
- Banks, Jimmy 1973-08-23
- Banner, Mr and Mrs W A 1972-07-21
- Barbee, Roy 1970-08-10
- Barcus, Reverend V Cyrus 1969
- Barfoot, Lillian Hull 1969-05-13
- Barho, Anthony L 1972-05-22
- Barker, Owen D 1974-02-20
- Barkley, Rick 1975-05-18
- Barnard, Dennis 2017-07-18
- Barnard, Mrs Richard 1975-10-24
- Barnes, William Vance 1970-07-29
- Barnhill, J R 1976-08-06
- Barr, Alwyn 2021-02-10
- Barrett, Curtis 1972-08-15
- Barrett, Josh 1982-10-16
- Barrick, Mr and Mrs Nolan 1973-11-30
- Barrier, Eppie 1978-06-28
- Barrier, Eppie 1978-10-20
- Barrier, Mrs Eppie 1958-07-31
- Barron, Dixie 2023-06-15
- Barron, E E 1975-01-22
- Barrow, Carl 1975-05-13
- Bartlett, Vernon 1974-05-07
- Bartley, Ruth 1979-11-29
- Barton, Ernesto 1973-05-17
- Basham, Jim Ed and Dorothy 2014-02-13
- Bateman, Jack 1998-06-26
- Bates, Mrs Shirley S 1975-01-31
- Bauer, Terry 1974-02-19
- Bauert, Missie 1988-04
- Baugh, Dr William Leo
- Baugh, Sammy 1971-07-15
- Baugh, Sammy 1998-08-16